Everquest Discussions, News and Pics





4:03 am, September 28, 2014 I made two suggestions to /feedback 1) add a few ranks to the "Battle Ready" AA line to up the slots in the Bandolier ( I would like 4 more slots) 2) add a "Weapon Crate&a [..] View

I'm back, for now. Things the game needs badly:

4:03 pm, July 31, 2014 So I'm back, for the time being. We'll see if it sticks. Almost immediately, several issues have reared their ugly heads, and I hope they're addressed at some point. 1) Things that should have been [..] View

mercenary bandolier

4:03 pm, July 30, 2014 Ok hope this is the right place to post this....but has anyone mentioned the idea of a merc bandolier yet....since there are different types of mercs and different armor sold for each so that one coul [..] View

Does EQ's melee system use weapon type for mob damage?

4:03 am, May 30, 2014 Do some mobs take more damage from a pierce than slash or blunt? Are other mobs more vulnerable to slash than pierce/blunt? I ask this to try and maximize my DPS. I have 2 of each type of weapon but [..] View

Patch Notes for 5/21/14

4:03 pm, May 21, 2014 Patch Notes for 5/21/14 *** Call of the Forsaken: The Tower of Rot *** Call of the Forsaken: The Tower of Rot has been released! A mysterious tower looms over the Dead Hills, and a long-forgotten pre [..] View

warrior pulling macro for newbies

3:03 am, March 25, 2014 So I created a couple of bandolier sets ('B' in game) on my warrior (sword and shield with stat item in range slot, sword and shield with bow and arrow in range and ammo slot). If you don't know how t [..] View

Merc Gears

3:03 am, January 25, 2014 How hard would it be to add a bandolier type preferably inside the merc tab that allow us to quick change the merc gears to each of our merc? that would also save us some inventory space. View

Enumerated SPA list

3:03 am, January 4, 2014 At SOE Live, on the forums, or attached to bricks thrown through our windows, the question often comes up, "What do the different SPA numbers mean?" closely followed by "Don't [..] View

Merc Armor Sets

3:03 am, December 11, 2013 Now that I've accrued enough marks of valor, I plan on buying separate armor sets for each of the 3 types of mercs I have (healer focus, wiz focus, tank focus accordingly). While it is only currently [..] View


4:03 am, October 11, 2013 Good morning, all. I've been tinkering around with my UI at 1920x1080. Currently, I have it set it up to where the action is in the center of my screen, with chat, inventory, mercenary, and bandoli [..] View

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