4:03 pm, October 14, 2014
three of us are returning to EQ after a long absence. Our choices of characters to make a group are:
2xdps mercy
Healer merc
2 x DPS nerds
Healer mer [..]
4:03 am, September 2, 2014
I assume this has been asked for in the past, but each time I go to the raid vendor or even group vendor it becomes a major PITA to search for gear.
I know we are dealing with All/All gear but to be [..]
4:03 pm, May 15, 2014
Itemization over the years has gotten very formulaic. It used to be that people made choices with regards to their gear. Some augged for HP and some for AC. Some people capped avoidance and shielding, [..]
4:03 am, April 3, 2014
This is a major major major problem with the design of the plane of war imo because 1. it prevents the group that spawned the judicator from killing it sometimes if another is spawned around the same [..]
4:03 pm, April 2, 2014
So I play on my laptop during downtime at work (I process orders & take phone calls). I don't have a massive amount of time at home to play and group. While I would love to live in gro [..]
4:03 pm, March 30, 2014
Hi so i made one of the free heroic chars, and though a ranger be handy for tracking some buffs and stuff. I cant find any info on gear for a 85 char, I am still looking around on the ranger forums a [..]
3:03 am, March 28, 2014
I haven't played EQ since Planes of Power, I had a 65 cleric and a 65 SK. I loved them both but I don't think I want to play them now. Its been so long I can't even remember any of my old info to tr [..]
3:03 am, March 24, 2014
So many choices, I have the worst time choosing stuff like this. Hell, it takes me forever during character customization. I was thinking Shadow Knight, but im not sure how they are nowadays. I just a [..]
3:03 pm, March 18, 2014
First off, i love the implementation of the Heroic Characters. So many LFG in generalchat now. It's great!
But i do have a few concerns, or perhaps details the devs did not catch.
HoT rk,2 Spells [..]
3:03 am, March 18, 2014
So I am trying to transfer a couple of characters to another server (FV). When the time came to select my new server I was informed my name was taken, but that there was an "Alternate Availabl [..]
3:03 am, March 14, 2014
In the years I've played Everquest, I've pretty much always just played one character at a time. Recently I've gotten the bug to give boxing a try, and I'd like to ask for some advice on good combina [..]
3:03 am, March 12, 2014
One of the few things I do miss about EQ is when faction actually meant something instead of being a progression counter. I liked the fact that you used to have to secure bases close to where you want [..]
3:03 pm, March 5, 2014
While I am adamantly against the Wood Elf Beastlord idea, and have no plans on changing my viewpoint anytime soon, maybe there is a way SOE can smooth this over for others as soon as the character cla [..]
3:03 pm, February 4, 2014
I'm brand new to Everquest. I've played a number of other MMO's casually over the years (WoW, Rift, EQ 2, SWTOR, FF XIV) but these games all seemed to lose their luster after a bit of time. On the oth [..]
3:03 am, January 18, 2014
I enjoy playing my SK, currently at level 93, but sometimes the spell casting, disciplines, buff refreshing, pet and merc commands, AA abilities button dance sort of takes the fun out of it. From tim [..]
3:03 am, January 6, 2014
Can you level a 3 box team as fast as you level a solo toon. I am assuming both choices will have a tank merc. Seems solo kills so slow, that the three box team would makes up for needing triple the [..]
3:03 am, December 30, 2013
Hey all! I recently returned (again) to EQ, and am having the worst time trying to commit to what classes I want to push past 65 in my 3 box. I currently have every class parked at or near 65, so I [..]
3:03 am, December 26, 2013
Yes its another one of those posts! Curious about class choices for the solo/molo type. Don't want to box at all and prefer melees (pal shd bst mnk or rng) or maaaaybe a mage. No experience in anythin [..]
3:03 am, December 12, 2013
Was reading the feedback on the new class/race voting and was wondering to myself: how many ppl will actually start a class they never wanted to play before just because there is a new race option? Wi [..]
3:03 am, November 21, 2013
So as life would have it, I made some decisions that changed my lifestyle a little bit and so I won't be able to dedicate as much time to EQ as I wanted/previously have. This has lead me to the grand [..]
3:03 pm, November 3, 2013
I have been seeing disturbing trends with raid loot.
I play a warrior and berserker
Problem as I see it..
There is a berserker (as well as bard, rogue/monk) specific items for each non visable
4:03 am, October 11, 2013
SOE has already implemented Heroic stats, which add specific abilities and allow a stat to go over cap. What if the same idea was applied to resistances? Heroic Resistance would allow the resist to g [..]
4:03 am, October 10, 2013
Considering all the balance adjustments (aka nerfs) and mob HP/DPS choices made with CotF, it seems SOE has made the design decision to make EQ a bit more challenging this time around. We have had ha [..]
4:03 pm, October 9, 2013
Hey Everyone!
Returning player from waaaay too long ago. I bought EQ the first week it was released and leveled a cleric to 55 or so and hung up my slippers. I had some of my favorite gaming moments [..]
7:27 am, October 2, 2013
Just returned 2 weeks ago from years away. Like the title states, Im currently 3-boxing the war(74)(450aa's) - Cleric(74)(150aa's) - Mage(71)(50aa's). Im thinking since have some healer mercs already, [..]