4:03 am, October 12, 2014
With the early release of the new expansion to all access, has SOE considered the possible impact this may cause to test server? Are there any limitations planned for FTP folks simply test copying an [..]
4:03 pm, October 6, 2014
...and shift items to Heirloom similar to FV rules (IE: epics, specific rewards, claims, etc...)
What is the big difference from killing mob X with toon Y and logging toon Z to loot?
For raiders...
4:03 am, August 19, 2014
This thread lists all questions asked by players in both EQ panels and is loosly organized by topics. Apologies as there are some questions and/or answers I didnt hear. If anyone knows or can expand [..]
4:03 pm, August 16, 2014
So, I understand that the system learns/adapts from past experiences, but what happens if, say I roll in on a new necklace and lose, and the months or even years go by and I got a better necklace, but [..]
4:03 am, August 2, 2014
Since information is good, and gut feeling is ... less good, I'm posting relevant information on upcoming pets here with breakdown so the members of this community are able to see the big picture. In [..]
4:03 pm, July 13, 2014
Hello again!
I'm back, this time to try and address an issue that has been on my mind for a *very* long time. Grouping. . . However! I would also like to introduce to you the experience I've had ov [..]
4:03 am, July 3, 2014
Alright, so I have a couple of things I'd love to have addressed with ornaments in the current game. This applies to both weapons and armor.
It'd be super cool if we could have the classic armor gr [..]
4:03 am, June 26, 2014
I could go into tons of detail with this with personal experiences. . . but I think this is better phrased as a question. I only ask because it has significantly impacted my gameplay. I'm not here to [..]
4:03 am, June 24, 2014
After Dzarn's post about displayed and mitigation AC equations, I wanted to more visibly see how heavily certain things impact our AC. I used the equations given by Dzarn, and separated out certain th [..]
4:03 pm, June 8, 2014
If you set it by expansions: anything more than say 3: Which would be House of Thule
If you set it by Levels: Anything 85 or Lower.
So either way ATM House of Thule and earlier.
Why? Because [..]
4:03 am, May 2, 2014
I understood that item drops off of named in PoW were close to T3 RoF raid gear, and the HME supports that. However some of the weapons dropping, Brainmasher and the Barb for example, have worse dama [..]
4:03 pm, April 6, 2014
I used to play EQ back long long ago, about the time the frogloks were introduced. Trying out the game again. If anyone has any basic advice such as sites I should look at for catching back up on the [..]
4:03 pm, April 4, 2014
Apparently Heroic charisma influences how much faction each insignia turn-in gives you, 220 heroic cha for example will give you 10 faction points, 207 and lower gives 9 faction hits, 180 also gives 9 [..]
3:03 pm, March 26, 2014
Now that every class can fade (right?) would it be too much of a stretch to change evacuation spells?
Instead of zoning, why not just have Evac transport you to the succor point and then fade?
Wou [..]
3:03 am, March 16, 2014
So whether my Heroic Wizard leaves 25 points in Int, or puts them in Sta, will have zero impact on the level 85+ game?
3:03 am, March 2, 2014
I logged in my alts today for free AA. I didn't even consider the impact of autogranting secondary specialization. The more I think about it, the less I think this should've been autogranted. Peopl [..]
3:03 am, February 28, 2014
There was the holy trinity of RPGs.. The tank, the dps (deeps), and the healer. EQ brought this idea to life in a hybrid model. We had classes that were slotted to roles and quasi roles that filled [..]
3:03 am, February 27, 2014
maybe i'm being presumptuous on this, but i'm willing to bet every single person who does this raid regularly will agree with me here.
P1 of the Hate Rising event is interesting and kinda fun, i don't [..]
3:03 am, February 11, 2014
I am still leveling, so I am in the EM III range, but I am looking ahead to various big boy pet foci. I know (I think I know) that each pet has a chart, and the EM level at summoning produces a &q [..]
3:03 am, February 5, 2014
This isn't something that has been stated but waxing philosophical. If you were a DKP type guild and all loot became currency based on raids instead of drops. How would that impact your guild and wha [..]
3:03 am, February 2, 2014
PiestroSome players mistakenly believe that if anything nice is said about their class it will cause nerfs. Unfortunately this tends to make their statements less believable, since it implies they are [..]
3:03 pm, December 22, 2013
This is an official request to have some shaman dot pvp resist checks be adjusted. We only have one dot that lands in pvp (sometimes) and it is our lowest dps dot Falhotep's Affliction. We have one po [..]
3:03 pm, December 12, 2013
Not sure how this is "trolling" - seems to me, at least in my opinion and since I wrote it is valid - that SOE has stopped spending resources on this game, and its impacting me, other [..]
3:03 am, November 28, 2013
I've been wondering about something -- if you have a type 3 augment that applies a bonus (either to healing or damage) when is that bonus applied?
For example, if I cast a heal that would norm [..]
4:03 pm, October 18, 2013
As mentioned in a previous post. I'm a returning player trying to get up to speed on all the new stuff.
Thanks to some friendly advice I"m now on my way in some tasks and progressions.
Now I [..]
4:03 pm, October 15, 2013
I see so many people questioning various aspects of this game, their fears its "going down-hill" and the dev team doesn't care about player input any longer, among other things includi [..]