Everquest Discussions, News and Pics




Transcript from twitter Q & A

4:03 am, August 18, 2014 Q: With the addition of the Mount Key ring will it be possible to extend this feature to illusions, pet illusions, merc illusions? A: Now that the tech for keyrings exists it will not be hard to add n [..] View

Buried Sea mechanism to give more currency for least done tasks...is that still in game?

4:03 pm, July 5, 2014 I didn't play during TBS so I've only heard rumors, but from what I've heard in Katta the tasks and/or missions that were done the least gave more currency. Was this true? If so, does that still exist [..] View

Next Expansion? TBS Repeat?

4:03 am, June 18, 2014 I'm curious what everyone's thoughts are on the direction of the next expansion. With the limited info I saw on open beta which has no NDA currently, the achievements are already getting put into pla [..] View

leveling...77 Wiz

3:03 pm, February 17, 2014 Hey, I just came back after about a year and was wondering where I should go to lvl. I've been to a few places, lately in Katta C, where is the popular spot these days? Maybe a hot zone perhaps? Tha [..] View

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