Everquest Discussions, News and Pics




Stuck at low 50s

4:03 am, October 8, 2014 I just recently came back to EverQuest because I'm tired of themepark MMOs which are all about filling a quest log with menial boring tasks. Seems like EverQuest has gotten to a similar point [..] View

Marcia Marcia Marcia!!

4:03 am, September 30, 2014 (brady reference in title for those of you that are old like me) So, Marcia Attilmagad is coming to sell you her wares from days of old. I'm curious what item you want most to see in her inventory [..] View

Ancient Human Helm Ornament

4:03 pm, September 21, 2014 Let's bring back Velious Custom (Plate) Helms ("Dragon Helm") with Ornaments? Ancient Human Helm is the reference used when clicking on the Velious Custom Human Helm on the bookcase [..] View

Automatic Loot Distribution System Questions

4:03 pm, August 16, 2014 So, I understand that the system learns/adapts from past experiences, but what happens if, say I roll in on a new necklace and lose, and the months or even years go by and I got a better necklace, but [..] View

Can F2P solo the old content?

4:03 am, August 10, 2014 Hello everybody! Im really new to EQ, never played before, and I love lore and exploration. With that in mind I want to explore the old content, go inside off old raids and, if possible, solo some ol [..] View

Coming Back: Duo Questions (Healer + ????)

4:03 am, August 1, 2014 Short Version: Coming back, looking for a duo group with one healer and one other (not nboxing). Wife: Cleric, Druid or Shaman (assuming Druid and Shaman can group/raid heal very well as the abilit [..] View

Duo group, What classes are in Demand

4:03 am, July 25, 2014 Hey all this will be another "hey I am returning and have a few questions" thread. Just so you know I went through a few months of posts to update myself on what others have said. [..] View

Feedback - Grouping Problem (The 15 year casual)

4:03 pm, July 13, 2014 Hello again! I'm back, this time to try and address an issue that has been on my mind for a *very* long time. Grouping. . . However! I would also like to introduce to you the experience I've had ov [..] View

Summoned mage augs reference?

4:03 am, July 13, 2014 I don't particularly play much these days but is it just my imagination or are the slots on these two mage summoned augs http://lucy.allakhazam.com/item.html?id=85483 and http://lucy.allakhazam. [..] View

GamParse 1.0.5 Test

4:03 am, July 3, 2014 As I mentioned in the last update, the last release was for the most part what I had been given, with only a few changes, and was more about getting it out there as quickly as possible. Since that t [..] View

Everquest inside jokes for Dungeons & Dragons campaign

4:03 am, June 20, 2014 Hi all, I'm DMing a custom campaign of Dungeons and Dragons for a group that's totally new to tabletop RPGs. Most of them have played MMOs, but one of them has only played EQ (which I& [..] View

Continue old 65 level toon, or start over?

4:03 am, June 11, 2014 Hello, I'll spare you the 10.000th "returned after many many years" question, but I do have one specific: I am, at the moment, torn whether I should continue with my old toons (espec [..] View

Focus Effects Degrading 5 Levels Faster?

4:03 pm, June 4, 2014 I was reading a post the other day where someone mentioned that they had noticed a change in the focus effect levels. I was going to just post as a follow up in that thread, but I can't seem to locate [..] View

SOE Forum Guidelines

4:03 am, June 4, 2014 SOE Forum Guidelines 1) Be respectful and courteous - The purpose of these Forums and other official, SOE-maintained communication channels is to create a positive and constructive atmosphere for di [..] View

Itemization Idea

4:03 pm, May 15, 2014 Itemization over the years has gotten very formulaic. It used to be that people made choices with regards to their gear. Some augged for HP and some for AC. Some people capped avoidance and shielding, [..] View

PoWar mission

4:03 pm, May 13, 2014 I just have to say, I LOVE this mission, IMO is one of the best ones that has come out in a long time. I hope SoE does more missions like this in the future using this as a reference point. View

Can my woodelf bst and my human monk both solo there 1.0 each with merc at 68?

4:03 am, April 27, 2014 I am leveling my human monk and new woodelf beast lady as sister characters, I do not box. I'm just giving them both = time and sharing goods between them. With both of them at 68 and both in elabor [..] View

Most sought after group roles

3:03 pm, March 27, 2014 Hi everyone! Been away from the game for longer than I can remember, but I'm looking to get back into things with the heroic promotion I've been hearing about. As i'm downloading the installer, i'v [..] View

How to Powerlevel?

3:03 am, March 27, 2014 Why powerlevel? Because I find enjoyment out of it. It's just simply fun to see how quickly you can PL someone, using different tactics, areas, mobs, etc. But I'm having a bit of trouble so far, [..] View

Heroic Ranger: Let Me Help You

3:03 am, March 17, 2014 Okay, so in the spirit of some of the other threads here: You're a ranger. You were the butt of jokes in Kunark. You're not anymore, but people still tell them, so time to toss them ba [..] View

Secondary specialization

3:03 am, March 2, 2014 I logged in my alts today for free AA. I didn't even consider the impact of autogranting secondary specialization. The more I think about it, the less I think this should've been autogranted. Peopl [..] View

1 Bird, 2 Stones. Changes with the Feb patch.

3:03 am, February 6, 2014 Mass killing abilities were many times used to level up low AA chars or alts. Granting everyone AA and nerfing these abilities is too much. Do one or the other. reference this post: https://forum [..] View

Dealing with jerk behavior

3:03 am, January 4, 2014 There has got to be some solutions to the ***** behavior we see in the game in non-combat zones. I can think of some solutions but not others. There is no reason for people to use mounts in the GL. [..] View

Gone since 2003: what are raids like?

3:03 am, December 10, 2013 Yes, another "so I missed a dozen or so expansion" posts. I last played EQ during the Velious cycle, so memory is pretty dim for me. I'm back piddling about with a newbie mage for t [..] View

$5 Off Game Cards - Yet Another Customer Service Fail

3:03 am, November 15, 2013 Let me start by saying I love EQ, great game and awesome fun. Customer service for EQ is bottom of the pile... Seriously you guy in CS **** very badly. Background There is an announcement for $5 off [..] View

An idea to invite back veteran players

3:03 am, November 9, 2013 Hello everybody. Started back on the TP server just prior to the release of PoP. Was the guild leader of We the Forsaken for 5-6 years. Our guild went on a few pre-Pop raids in our early days, and wor [..] View

The Progression Challenge

3:03 am, October 29, 2013 So I've decided to put a name to what I'm sure many people here have done are even are doing, along with a few set guidelines and alternatives. I call it the Progression Challenge, and it's all abou [..] View

Eternal Sovereign presents the Team Nizzi 24 Hour Raid Marathon

4:03 pm, October 2, 2013 This Friday, September 27th starting at 2PM Eastern (11AM Pacific, 6PM GMT) I'll be leading a 24 hour marathon raid session on Bertox. We'll be starting in Plane of Time and running as many old instan [..] View

Eternal Sovereign presents: The Team Nizzi 24 hour Raid Marathon to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

7:28 am, October 2, 2013 This Friday, September 27th starting at 2PM Eastern (11AM Pacific, 6PM GMT) I'll be leading a 24 hour marathon raid session on Bertox. We'll be starting in Plane of Time and running as [..] View

De-leveling still happen?

7:27 am, October 2, 2013 Back in the old days, people would de-level. In fact, people still occasionally did it even later on. I remember back in 2009 seeing somebody de-leveling from a high level, so it does happen. Who do [..] View

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